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The Full Moon in Taurus: A Time to Ground, Connect, and Enjoy Life's Pleasures

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

The Taurus Full Moon will occur on October 28, 2023.

The full moon in Taurus invites us to slow down, tune into our senses, and connect with the physical world. This is a time to indulge in life's simple pleasures, such as enjoying a delicious meal, taking a long walk in nature, or simply savoring a moment of stillness. By connecting with our senses, we can tap into the grounding and stabilizing energy of Taurus and find a sense of peace and contentment in the present moment.

As Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, this full moon is also a powerful time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us. We can connect with the Venusian energy by exploring our creative side, indulging in self-care practices, or surrounding ourselves with beauty in all its forms. For example, we might create a vision board of our dreams and desires, wear our favorite outfit or perfume, or visit a local art museum or botanical garden.

To help bring the energy of the full moon in Taurus to life, we can draw inspiration from others who have experienced its power. One person who has connected with this energy shared, "During the full moon in Taurus, I love to spend time in my garden, planting new flowers and enjoying the earthy scent of the soil. It's a simple pleasure that brings me so much joy and reminds me of the beauty of the natural world."

Unlocking the Power of Taurus:

10 Things You Need to Know About the Full Moon in Taurus

  1. When the moon is in Taurus, it is said to be in its exaltation, which means that it is at its strongest and most potent. This is a time when the moon's energy is aligned with the energy of the Taurus zodiac sign, which can bring about a powerful and grounding energy. For example, during this time, we may find ourselves drawn to simple pleasures like enjoying a home-cooked meal or spending time in nature, as these activities connect us with the earthy and sensual energy of Taurus.

  2. Taurus is an earth sign, which means that when the moon is in Taurus, there is a strong emphasis on the physical world and our relationship to it. This can be a time when we are particularly attuned to our senses and may find pleasure and comfort in the simple pleasures of life. For instance, we may feel more drawn to activities like gardening, baking, or crafting, as these activities connect us with the practical and grounded energy of Taurus.

  3. Taurus is associated with the throat and sacral chakras, which govern communication, creativity, sensuality, and pleasure. When the moon is in Taurus, there may be a heightened focus on clear communication and expressing ourselves in a grounded and practical way. We may also feel more inspired to tap into our creative side, explore our sensuality, and find pleasure in the present moment.

  4. Taurus is a fixed sign, which means that when the moon is in Taurus, there may be a resistance to change and a desire for stability and security. This can be a time when we are particularly focused on building a solid foundation and creating a sense of security in our lives. For example, we may be more motivated to save money, make a long-term plan for our career or business, or strengthen our relationships with loved ones.

  5. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which is associated with love, beauty, and pleasure. When the moon is in Taurus, there may be a heightened focus on relationships, beauty, and the things that bring us pleasure. We may be more inclined to indulge in self-care practices like taking a luxurious bath, treating ourselves to a massage, or spending quality time with loved ones.

  6. Taurus is known for its practicality and groundedness. When the moon is in Taurus, there may be a greater focus on practical matters such as finances, home, and work. This can be a time when we are more motivated to take care of our responsibilities and get organized in our daily lives.

  7. Taurus is associated with the element of earth, which is associated with stability, grounding, and practicality. When the moon is in Taurus, there may be a greater emphasis on connecting with the natural world and finding peace and grounding in nature. We may feel more drawn to spending time outside, going for a hike, or simply sitting under a tree and soaking up the peaceful energy of the earth.

  8. Taurus is a feminine sign, which means that when the moon is in Taurus, there may be a greater emphasis on nurturing, caring, and intuition. This can be a time when we are particularly attuned to our own needs and the needs of those around us. We may feel more inclined to connect with our intuition and trust our inner voice when making decisions.

  9. To harness the energy of the moon in Taurus, we can also tap into our creativity and sensuality by engaging in activities that inspire us, such as painting, dancing, or making music. We can also indulge in simple pleasures like enjoying a delicious meal, savoring a piece of chocolate, or spending time with loved ones.

  10. While the energy of the moon in Taurus can be grounding and stabilizing, it can also present challenges, such as a resistance to change or a tendency towards stubbornness. To overcome these obstacles, we can practice mindfulness, embrace flexibility and adaptability, and remain open to new experiences and perspectives. By doing so, we can fully embrace the energy of the moon in Taurus and use it as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

Connecting with

Venusian Energy

Taurus, as an earth sign, is deeply connected to the physical world and our senses. During the full moon in Taurus, we are encouraged to indulge in life's simple pleasures and connect with our senses. Being uled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, the full moon in Taurus is a time to connect with the Venusian energy and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. This can be a time to enjoy the pleasures of good food, listen to beautiful music, or bask in the beauty of nature. Taurus is also associated with sensuality, making this a time to connect with our bodies and enjoy the pleasures of touch, taste, and smell.

By taking the time to slow down and connect with our senses, we can tap into the abundant energy of the full moon in Taurus and connect with our own sense of joy and contentment. We can take a moment to appreciate the beauty of a sunset or the sound of birds singing, or simply savor the taste of a favorite food. Taurus invites us to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life, reminding us that true pleasure and contentment can be found in the present moment.

Connecting with the Venusian energy of Taurus can also help us to cultivate a sense of self-love and appreciation. Venus is associated with the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion, and emotional balance. By connecting with the Venusian energy of Taurus, we can open our hearts and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance. We can take time to appreciate our own beauty and unique qualities, and recognize that we are worthy of love and pleasure.

Releasing What

No Longer Serves:

5 Things to Let Go of During a Full Moon in Taurus Ritual

  1. Fear of change: Taurus is known for its love of stability and can sometimes be resistant to change. During a full moon in Taurus ritual, s/omeone may want to release any fear or resistance they have towards change, allowing them to embrace new experiences and opportunities.

  2. Unhealthy habits: Taurus is associated with pleasure and indulgence, but sometimes these indulgences can turn into unhealthy habits. Someone may want to release any habits that are no longer serving their highest purpose, such as overeating, overspending, or overindulging in substances.

  3. Lack of self-worth: Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and is associated with self-worth and self-love. Someone may want to release any negative self-talk or beliefs that are holding them back from fully embracing their own worth and beauty.

  4. Financial stress: Taurus is also associated with material abundance, and during a full moon in Taurus ritual, someone may want to release any financial stress or worry that is weighing them down. This can help them to open up to new opportunities for prosperity and abundance.

  5. Resistance to pleasure: Taurus is all about indulging in life's simple pleasures, but sometimes we can resist pleasure out of fear or guilt. Someone may want to release any resistance they have towards pleasure, allowing them to fully embrace and enjoy life's simple pleasures without judgment or shame.

Grounding in the Present Moment: Tarot Prompts for the Taurus Full Moon

Select 6 of the following prompts to create the tarot spread above or use them as journal prompts to write about this Taurus Full Moon energy.

  1. What are some simple pleasures that bring you joy and comfort? How can you incorporate these pleasures into your daily life to help you feel more grounded and connected to the physical world? How do these pleasures make you feel when you experience them?

  2. Share a personal story of a time when you connected with your creativity or sensuality. How did this experience make you feel, and what did you learn about yourself? How can you use this full moon energy to tap into your creative or sensual side again?

  3. What are some practical steps you can take to improve your finances or create a greater sense of security in your life? How can you use the grounding energy of Taurus to help you make progress in these areas? What resources or tools can you use to support you in this?

  4. Think of a time when you resisted change or desired more stability in your life. What was the outcome of that situation, and how did it make you feel? How can you balance your need for stability with a willingness to embrace new experiences and growth during this full moon?

  5. How do you feel when you connect with nature? What are some of your favorite ways to do so, and how can you incorporate more of these activities into your life during this full moon? Are there any new nature-related activities or experiences you'd like to explore?

  6. Write about a recent conversation or interaction where you felt misunderstood or struggled to express yourself clearly. What did you learn from this experience, and how can you apply this knowledge to improve your communication during this full moon? How can you better express yourself in a way that is grounded and practical?

  7. Reflect on a time when you listened to your intuition and it led you to make a positive decision or change in your life. What did this experience teach you about your own inner wisdom, and how can you use this knowledge to make decisions and navigate challenges during this full moon?

  8. How do you incorporate beauty and pleasure into your life on a regular basis? What are some new ways you can do so during this full moon? How do these elements make you feel, and how can you use them to cultivate more joy and positivity in your life?

  9. Write about something in your life that is no longer serving you, whether it's a habit, relationship, or mindset. How can you release this thing during this full moon to create more space and freedom in your life? What support or tools can you use to help you let go?

  10. Imagine a world where you feel deeply connected to the physical world, your creativity, your intuition, and your own sense of beauty and pleasure. What would this look and feel like, and how can you use this full moon energy to move closer to this vision of yourself? What steps can you take today to start making this vision a reality?

Finally, I invite you to explore the energy of the full moon in Taurus further by creating your own rituals and practices that connect you with the earthy, sensual, and grounded energy of this sign. Whether you spend time in nature, meditate with a grounding crystal like black tourmaline, or simply take a few deep breaths and connect with your body, there are endless ways to tap into the power of the full moon in Taurus and find a sense of peace and stability in your life.


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